Yoruba people in Switzerland, Geneva and nearby environs together under one umbrella.
One people, Common Heritage….
Donors and Supporters
As a non-profit and non-government organization, the Yoruba Cultural Heritage Centre relies on contribution from individuals, companies, foundations, international agencies governments for our activities and to save Yoruba language from extinction. We are earnestly look forward to funding from programme-related public and private grants, sponsorships and bequeaths
Support Our Sustainability Projects:
1. Educational Outreach. 2. Office Development Project in Nigeria and major cities of the world. 3. Music, Arts, Sculpture Development. 4. Bequeath a property to us in your name for the Yoruba Language Learning Centre in major cities in Nigeria and worldwide. If you would like to support us, please use one of the methods below. Every support would be of great help to us, to make our dreams of growing, open, honest, transparent cultural heritage organization a reality.
Gifts at every level make a difference and in Nigeria 100% tax deductible. Thank you for supporting the Yoruba Cultural Heritage Centre with One Time Donation or a Recurring Donation.